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Photo of Duncan MacKay

Duncan MacKay

Deputy General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer

Eversource Energy

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Professional Bio

Duncan MacKay is the Deputy General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer for Eversource Energy and is responsible for the team of lawyers who counsel and represent Eversource with respect to labor and employment issues, state and federal regulatory matters, dispute resolution, and corporate and SEC. As Chief Compliance Officer, Duncan is also responsible for Eversource's corporate compliance program. He has been active in the development and implementation of pro-active approaches to preventing and managing disputes involving the Eversource companies, including the implementation of standard “stepped” ADR clauses in commercial contracts, early case evaluation and conflict intervention, and consideration of ADR options in the early stages of conflicts, disputes or litigation. Duncan’s responsibilities also include managing the company’s relationship with certain of its outside law firms.

Duncan is a member of the executive advisory committee of the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (“CPR”) and past chair of the CPR Committee on Energy, Oil & Gas. Duncan is also a member of the Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Energy Bar Associations respective ADR Committees, and served as the co-Chair of the Energy Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee. Duncan also served on the Connecticut Commission on Civil Court Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR), which developed recommendations for enhancing the Connecticut State Court System’s ADR programs.

Duncan attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where he received his B.A. in Legal Studies. He attended Suffolk University Law School in Boston, where he received his J.D., cum laude, served on the Law Review, and after graduation served as a mentor and member of the adjunct faculty.


Eversource Energy
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