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2023 Global Conference: International Approaches to Dispute Prevention

Thursday, December 7, 2023
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM (EST)

Zoom Link

Event Details

2023 CPR Global Conference

A 2-day international conference with separate registration and format for each day.

This event was held on December 7, 2023, and the following serves as historical reference only.

Members can click here to view the recordings of the 2023 CPR Global Conference.
DECEMBER 7, 2023


(This registration does NOT include registration for Day 2)

International Approaches to Dispute Prevention: 
Identifying and Resolving Conflicts Early

Hosted by CPR’s Young Leaders in Alternative Dispute Resolution (Y-ADR)


Dispute Prevention Theme:

The 2023 CPR Global Conference will focus on the importance of promptly addressing conflicts before they harden into disputes thus maintaining business purpose, preserving working relationships, and ensuring business continuity while saving costs. 

Panel discussions will include use of cutting-edge dispute prevention boards, implications of dispute escalation clauses, perspectives from in-house counsel, and use of dispute prevention mechanisms in various industries and in various regions around the world.

Program Information:

The Global Conference consists of four panels, each consisting of a one-hour CLE program presentation. Panel times are listed for each panel below and are estimated based on timed agendas but may be subject to slight fluctuations.* We anticipate giving attendees short breaks as we transition between panels.

The conference will be presented online via live simultaneous transmission (webconference) format that allows for participant interaction and questions.

Coursebooks with CLE materials, speaker bios, and panel agendas will be distributed to registered attendees. Each panel session is suitable for experienced attorneys (non-transitional) and is eligible for one New York CLE credit for Professional Practice.

Please see CLE section below for more information.

Registration now open!

Registration for the full-day conference is $49. 

A group registration rate is available for $500. The group rate is ideal for organizations who wish to train several members of their legal department. After that selection is made during the registration process, a discount code will be generated that can be disseminated within your organization. Please contact Lili Schroppe at with any questions.

Thanks to the generosity of CPR's 2023 Global Conference sponsors, we are pleased to be able to offer a full day of CLE programming to the public at a low rate. For further assistance, please see CPR's Financial Aid Policy.1

Please note that registration for Africa Arbitration Day- New York is by separate registration process.

Panel 1
International Perspectives on Dispute Prevention through Escalation Clauses

Presented by the Y-ADR Steering Committee

11:15 am – 12:15 pm ET*

The Y-ADR panel will open the day-long conference by setting the stage for a substantive discussion of dispute prevention - the forms it may take and how it can best be utilized by parties. This international panel of speakers will then take a detailed look at the use of escalation clauses, sharing valuable insights regarding successful implementation of these clauses and highlighting perspectives from some of the leading arbitration jurisdictions such as England, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States. Businesses and practitioners whose work can be cross-border in nature do not want to miss this opportunity to learn more about effective dispute prevention strategies in an international context.


Velislava Hristova, International Arbitrator 


Dylan Lynch, Raytheon UK 

Elena Rizzo, DLA Piper 

Sara Little, Orrick 

Brandon Yap, Drew & Napier LLC 

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Panel 2
The In-house Counsel View of Dispute Prevention

Presented by CPR's European Advisory Board

12:30 – 1:30 pm ET*  

Companies, and in-house counsel in particular, play an essential role in resolving conflicts before they harden into disputes.  This panel of senior in-house counsel from different industries and geographic regions of Europe will discuss various approaches that their businesses use to avert or contain disputes.  Our experienced panel will examine this with reference to the different stages of a project:  from contract drafting to project management to identifying and resolving conflicts early once they arise. 



Kevin Smith, Shell International Ltd.  

Tim Williams, Wärtsilä Energy 

John Reilly, Raytheon UK 

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Panel 3
Dispute Prevention: Lessons from Tech, Life Sciences, and Energy Sectors

Presented by CPR’s Brazilian Advisory Board

1:45 – 2:45 pm ET*

This panel will share experience and expertise from 3 different jurisdictions: Brazil, USA, and Norway. With diversified backgrounds, the speakers will explain the importance of building a culture of prevention of disputes and explore how to create awareness within the companies of the advantages to the business of avoiding disputes. They will also address the dynamics between in-house and outside counsel during pre-litigation negotiations arising out of Tech, Life Sciences and Energy contracts. The panel will discuss the relevance of early case assessment as a tool to measure the strength of the merits and to avoid starting litigation or arbitration without a conscious and careful analysis of the claims and counterclaims. 


Caio Campello, Campello de Menezes 


Taís Tesser, Google  

Holly Logue, Gilead Sciences

Marcelo Perlman, Perlman Mediation and Legal Strategies 

Tom Melbye Eide, Independent Advisor

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Panel 4
Keeping the Peace in Commercial Transactions: Dispute Prevention and Management Boards

Presented by CPR’s Canadian Advisory Board

3:00 – 4:00 pm ET*

This panel will discuss the effective use of dispute review or management boards as a preventative tool in commercial transactions. Sharing insights from panelists who helped develop the new CPR Rules for Administered Dispute Prevention and Management Boards, as well as insights from practitioners who have participated in or utilized such boards, the panel will discuss why such rules should be considered for commercial contracts, how the rules are implemented during the life of the transactional relationship, and why such rules are beneficial in the construction industry but also in IT, Health & Life Sciences, Manufacturing and many other industries.


Lindsay Rowell, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP 


Deborah Mastin, Independent Neutral 

Verlyn Francis, Dispute Resolution Consultants Inc.  

CLE Credits:

The 2023 CPR Global Conference is suitable for experienced attorneys and is eligible for up to 4 credits NY CLE* if completed in its entirety, or credits for each panel as follows below:

Panel 1: New York CLE 1.0 Professional Practice, Non-transitional

Panel 2: New York CLE 1.0 Professional Practice, Non-transitional

Panel 3: New York CLE 1.0 Professional Practice, Non-transitional

Panel 4: New York CLE 1.0 Professional Practice, Non-transitional

*New York CLE: CPR (International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution) has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of Continuing Legal Education in the State of New York. This continuing legal education course has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the New York State CLE Rules and Regulations for credits as indicated above.

Other jurisdictions: Program documentation will be provided by request for those attendees seeking to self-report CLE in other jurisdictions.

DECEMBER 8, 2023


Africa Arbitration Day – New York (AAD-NY)
(By separate registration)

Organized by AAD-NY Steering Committee and CPR’s Y-ADR

Learn more and register for AAD-NY 

Please join us in New York City on December 8, 2023, for a ground-breaking conference highlighting important issues and trends relevant to arbitration in Africa and fostering greater community among international arbitration practitioners in North America and Africa.   

CPR is pleased to be the founding sponsor for this important initiative being developed by the AAD-NY Steering Committee which will feature two substantive panels, an arbitration moot, and a networking cocktail reception.

Click here to visit the Africa Arbitration Day - New York event page for full program information and to register for that separate event, being held the day after our online Global Conference. 

  1. CPR Financial Aid Policy.
    CPR is a non-profit organization.  Under financial hardship guidelines, at its discretion, CPR may waive the fee for attorneys who demonstrate that they are not currently employed (not retirees). CPR may also provide a special discounted price to attorneys, full time judges and administrative law judges practicing in the nonprofit and public sectors full time. Please contact Knar Nahikian at to request financial assistance with this program.

For More Information:

Knar Nahikian
Knar Nahikian
Vice President of Global Initiatives CPR Institute

Related Documents:

2023 CPR Global Conference CLE Coursebook

 2023 Global Conference Sponsors



2023 Annual Meeting Global ADR Champion Sponsors

Thank you to the 2023 Global ADR Champion Sponsors for their support of the 2023 Global Conference!

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Supporting Organizations


Sponsorship Opportunities

You are invited to participate as a sponsor of the 2023 Global Conference, including the AAD-NY event. Please contact Knar Nahikian to confirm your sponsorship or for more information.

Sponsorship Packages