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Basic Mediator Training for Lawyers

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 9:00 AM (CST) to Wednesday, March 1, 2023 at 5:30 PM (CST)

Event Details

This comprehensive, two-day training program is designed for lawyers who would like to be able to serve as effective mediators. This course delineates the range of skills required of successful mediators, offers proven practical techniques, addresses ethics issues and considers innovative ways to overcome impasse.

The instructors are Linda R. Singer and Michael K. Lewis.

This program may be eligible for NY CLE credit; the number of credits is to be determined. CPR has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York. CPR is a nonprofit organization. Under financial hardship guidelines, at its discretion, CPR may waive the fee for attorneys who demonstrate that they are not currently employed (not retirees). CPR may also provide a special discounted price to attorneys, full time judges and administrative law judges practicing in the nonprofit and public sectors full time.

Registration will close on Friday, February 24, 2023.

Please note the following details:

-The CPR Annual Meeting is taking place at the Four Seasons Hotel in New Orleans, starting at 2:00 pm on March 1 and ending at 4:00 pm on March 3. Program participants receive a discount for the CPR Annual Meeting*. Learn more about the Annual Meeting at

-Lunch will be provided both days. On  Wednesday, March 1, program participants are invited to lunch with the CPR Advisory Council and Board of Directors.

-CPR has reserved a block of hotel rooms at the Four Seasons at a discounted rate. The code is on the CPR Annual Meeting 2023 website,, under the "Logisitics" tab.

Questions? Please email Helena Tavares Erickson at

*This training program and the Annual Meeting overlap for three hours on March 1.

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For More Information:

Helena Tavares Erickson
Helena Tavares Erickson
Senior Vice President & Corporate Secretary CPR Institute

Register Here

Please note: registration closes on February 24, 2023.