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2nd Annual CPR + USP Collaborative Event, presented by CPR’s Brazilian Advisory Board

Wednesday, April 2, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM (E. South America Standard Time)

Event Details

Following on the success of CPR’s 2024 CPR + USP Collaborative Event, presented by CPR’s Brazilian Advisory Board - International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution, Inc. ... 

CPR Institute and the CPR Brazilian Advisory Board are proud to once again collaborate with the University of São Paulo to present a dispute resolution program for the legal community in São Paulo as part of CPR's IMC Week* in April 2025.

This year’s theme is "Mediation, Negotiation, Facilitation and Dialogue: Prevention and Management of Conflicts, Disputes and Litigation in 2025".

Participants will attend a foundational panel then select from one of three simultaneous workshops to be chosen by participants upon entry.

*CPR's IMC Week is held annually and features various programs and events in conjunction with our world renowned International Mediation Competition, which brings student competitors, seasoned mediation professionals, and judges from around the world to meet in São Paulo every year. Click here to learn more about the 2025 CPR IMC.]

Please note: This program will have simultaneous translation in both English and Portuguese as part of the organizers' commitment to guaranteed accessibility to all. Translation services and equipment is generously co-sponsored by Pact and Legal Insights.

Program information will be provided in both English and Portuguese.

AGENDA (English)

09h00 a 09h20  - Accreditation and Breakfast 

09h20 a 09h30 - Institutional Opening 

Remarks by representatives from the following organizations:

  • University of São Paulo (USP) by Professor Celso Campilongo 
  • CPR Institute by Serena Lee, President/CEO
  • USP Law School Alumni Association
  • XI de Agost Academic Center

09:30 to 09:50 - Keynote Speaker Professor Kazuo Watanabe


Retired Judge of the São Paulo Court of Appeals; Master's and Doctorate in Law from the USP Law School; Senior Doctoral Professor at the University of São Paulo Law School; Honorary Doctorate from Keio University, Tokyo, Japan; Participated in the drafting of the Small Claims Court Laws (n. 7.244/84), the Public Civil Action Law (n. 7.347/85), the Consumer Defense Code, the mini-reform of the CPC/1973 in the 1990s, and Resolution 125/2010 of the National Council of Justice.


09:50 - 10:50 - Central Panel


Amanda Federico Lopes Fernandes (FGV and Cescon Barrieu Advogados)


  • Ianda Lopes (Uber)

Ianda is currently the Chief Legal Officer for Uber in Brazil, having assumed the position in April 2023. She joined Uber after many years of experience in corporate consulting. She worked for 15 years at GE in different legal areas, the last 7 as General Counsel Latin America for the company's renewable energy business. Before GE, Ianda worked at Accenture and Hewlett Packard do Brasil. Her management skills, experience in legal counseling, passion for teamwork and talent development are the strengths of Ianda's career.

Ianda is passionate and engaged in initiatives related to diversity and inclusion. At GE do Brasil, she led the Women's Network for 3 years and outside of GE she designed and leads the award-winning mentoring program for black women law students (announced by LACCA - ESG category in 2020). She has also been repeatedly recognized by Análise Editorial Magazine as one of the Most Admired Legal and Financial Executives in Brazil. Ianda is the Vice President of the Board of Plan International Brazil, an NGO that aims to guarantee the rights and promote the protagonism of children, adolescents and young people, especially girls.

Ianda has a law degree from the University of São Paulo and a degree in commercial contracts from PUC-SP. She is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish. She lives in São Paulo with her husband and 3 children.

  • Daniel Arbix (Google)
  • Tatiane Alves (iFood)
  • Professor Carlos Salles (USP)
  • Carolina Hannud (FGV e Studio Pact Insights)

10:50 am - 11:00 am - Break and Transition to Simultaneous Workshops (to be chosen by participants at the time of accreditation)

11:00 - 12:30 - 3 Simultaneous Workshops

Workshop A: "Good Practices in Conflict Mediation Roundtable"


Antonio Rodrigues de Freitas, Jr., is currently an Associate Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP), School of Law (FaDUSP), where he lectures and researches with an emphasis on Labor  Employment Law, Human Rights, Work and Digital Technologies, Social Protection of Migrants, and Alternative Dispute Resolution. Due to his work on ADRs, he was awarded by the National Council of Justice with the prize Conciliar é Legal - Ensino Superior (2017). He holds a Law Degree (LL.B., 1981), Masters in Labor Law (1987), Ph. D. (1992) and, a Postdoctoral Habilitation (Livre-Docência - 1999)   from FaDUSP.  During the 2018 Spring academic term (Jan-Jul/2018), he held researches as a Visiting Fellow in the Cornell University, Industrial and Labor Relations School, Ithaca (USA). He has also lectured or conducted research abroad at places such as Brazilian Studies Association - Harvard Law School (HLS-BSA), the Universities of Shinshu - Matsumoto and Tokyo (Japan), University of Oregon (USA),  Modena - ADAPT (Italy), Coimbra (Portugal), Bari (Italy), Andalucía - La Rabida (Spain), and at the Research Committee on Sociology of Law ISA - Oñati (Spain). Former Brazilian National Secretary of Justice (2002) and former Attorney General of the São Paulo City Council (from 1998 to 2003), Freitas held the rotary presidency of the Mercosur Technical Group during the 2002 Salvador Meeting that defined the proposal for the 2002 Mercosur Residence Agreement. Freitas also joined the Ministry of Labor and Employment Technical Commission that put forth the proposal for a legal Act and for a Constitutional Amendment towards reforming the Brazilian corporatist industrial relations system (2003). Apart from his academic activities, Freitas also serves as a legal consultant for clients such as unions and NGOs.

Workshop B : "Mediation and Negotiation in Corporate Environment: Indispensable Soft Skills" 

Workshop C: "Data and Design for Conflict Prevention and Management" 

AGENDA (Portuguese)

09h00 a 09h20  -Credenciamento e Café da Manhã 

09h20 a 09h30 - Abertura Institucional 

  • USP
  • CPR 
  • Associação dos Antigos Alunos da Faculdade de Direito da USP 
  • Centro Acadêmico XI de Agosto 

09:30 a 09h50 - Keynote Speaker Professor Kazuo Watanabe


Desembargador Aposentado do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo;  Mestre e Doutor em Direito pela Faculdade de Direito da USP;  Professor-Doutor Sênior da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo;   Doutor Honoris Causa pela Keio University, Tokyo, Japão;  Participou da elaboração das Leis dos Juizados Especiais de Pequenas Causas (n. 7.244/84), da Lei da Ação Civil Pública (n. 7.347/85), do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, da min reforma do CPC/1973 na década de 1990, da Resolução 125/2010 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça. 

09h50 - 10h50 - Painel Central

10h50 - 11h00 - Intervalo e Transição para Workshops Simultâneos (a serem escolhidos pelos participantes por ocasião do credenciamento)

11:00 - 12h30 - 3 Workshops Simultâneos

  • Workshop A: "Roda de Diálogo Boas Práticas de Mediação de Conflitos" 
  • Workshop B : "Mediação e Negociação em Ambiente Corporativo: Soft Skills Indispensáveis" 
  • Workshop C: "Dados e Design para a Prevenção e Gestão de Conflitos" 

For More Information:

Knar Nahikian
Knar Nahikian
Director, International Initiatives CPR Institute

CPR thanks our generous sponsors for their support of this event!

Sponsors (Patrocínios):


Logo featuring the word "pact" in lowercase letters, with a stylized graphic element resembling a checkmark or arrow.

Supporting Organizations (Organizações): 



A SanFran Jr., empresa júnior da Faculdade de Direito da USP, atua democratizando o direito societário no mercado há 22 anos. Sendo especializados em consultoria jurídica para segundo e terceiro setor, sua missão é capacitar e desenvolver os membros para o mercado de trabalho, ao mesmo tempo em que causa impacto social. Além disso, é responsável pela organização da Semana do Estágio, maior feira de estágio jurídico da América Latina. 


SanFran Jr., a junior company of the USP Law School, has been democratizing corporate law in the market for 22 years. Being specialized in legal consulting for the second and third sector, their mission is to train and develop members for the job market, while causing social impact. In addition, they are responsible for organizing Internship Week, the largest legal internship fair in Latin America.

Supporting Partners (Parceiros):