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Mediation Committee Meeting

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)


Event Details

CPR Members are invited to attend the CPR Institute Mediation Committee Meeting on September 18th, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET. 

This meeting will be held on Zoom. This event is for CPR members only.

Meeting Topic: Justice in Mediation

Much attention has been focused on mediation’s capacity to deliver procedural justice; that is, a process where parties will be granted the opportunity to tell their story to a neutral third party, who will treat them and their views with attention and respect.  Voice, self-determination, dignity- these are the procedural values touted when mediation enthusiasts compare consensual dispute resolution to more adversarial approaches.

But, what of substantive justice, the justice of the outcome mediation delivers. Is it enough to say, “Well, the parties  agreed to it, so it must be (and they must think it) just”?

Long-time pracademic (experienced mediator and academic ) Charlie Irvine has just completed an extensive inquiry into perceptions of justice among mediation consumers in two courts in Scotland. At this committee meeting, Dr. Irvine will discuss his qualitative research and conclusions reached from the multi-year study.

While CPR mediators rarely encounter unrepresented parties in their work, asymmetries of knowledge and resources emerge in high-stakes commercial mediation, as well as small-claims and housing mediation programs. Almost since its inception, mediation has been accused of delivering “second -class justice.” Come for a robust consideration of this enduring and important topic.

Registration Information

CPR members will need to log-in to the CPR website in order to register. Once registered, you will receive instructions in your e-mail to join the Zoom meeting. 

If you have any questions or issues signing up for this event, please contact CPR Institute Programming & Membership Manager Micah Seigel at

For More Information:

Ellen Waldman
Ellen Waldman
Vice President, Advocacy & Educational Outreach CPR Institute