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The Neutral Zone: Maintaining Mediator Impartiality and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

Wednesday, April 16, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (EDT)

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Event Details

A Workshop for Mediators

Impartiality is an ethical cornerstone of mediation. Codes of ethics the world over require mediators to avoid bias or favoritism by word or action and decline to serve when current or past relationships create incurable conflicts of interest.

In this workshop, we will examine these concepts by:
1) parsing the text of both the Model Standards and CPR’s Rules for the Lawyer Serving as a Third Party Neutral;
2) dissect a well-publicized case where plaintiffs in a mass tort case challenged the mediator’s conduct in light of a significant relationship with an employee at defendant company; and
3) recent amendments in state ethics codes seeking to distinguish waivable from non-waivable conflicts.  

Ellen Waldman, Vice President, Advocacy & Educational Outreach, CPR Institute

Registration and Fees:
Advance registration is required. Use the "Register Now" button above.

This event is free for neutrals on the CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals. 

For others, the fee is $49, payable at registration with a credit card.

CLE Credit:
The organizers expect to receive approval for 1 NY CLE credit for experienced attorneys in Ethics. (While a recording will be available after the event, CLE credit is only available to those that attend the live webinar.)

*NY CLE: CPR (International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution) has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of Continuing Legal Education in the State of New York. This continuing legal education course has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the New York State CLE Rules and Regulations for credits as indicated above.

CPR Financial Aid Policy:
CPR is a non-profit organization.  Under financial hardship guidelines, at its discretion, CPR may waive the fee for attorneys who demonstrate that they are not currently employed (not retirees). CPR may also provide a special discounted price to attorneys, full time judges and administrative law judges practicing in the nonprofit and public sectors full time. Please contact Helena Tavares Erickson at to request financial assistance with this program.

Contact Micah Seigel at with any questions or to obtain assistance registering.

For More Information:

Mia Levi
Mia Levi
Vice President CPR Dispute Resolution Services