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The Rise of Commercial Mediation

Thursday, April 25, 2024
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (W. Europe Daylight Time)

Event Details

CPR Institute and the CPR European Advisory Board present:

The Rise of Commercial Mediation: From Efficiency to AI and Technology, How Mediation is Changing the Landscape of Dispute Resolution in Switzerland and Internationally

Generously hosted by LALIVE at their Geneva office.


5:00 pm


5:10 pm

Welcome by host Noradèle Radjai, LALIVE

Opening remarks by EAB Co-Chair Vanessa Alarcon Duvanel, King & Spalding

Brief introduction to CPR Institute and DRS by Knar Nahikian


5:15 pm

The Rise of Commercial Mediation: From Efficiency to AI and Technology, How Mediation is Changing the Landscape of Dispute Resolution in Switzerland and Internationally

Mediation is taking an increasingly predominant role in disputes resolution in Switzerland and internationally. Experienced speakers will discuss the use of commercial mediation in our current economy.  In this dynamic session, the speakers will share their perspective and real-life experiences to describe the advantages, the difficulties and challenges, practical and theoretical tips, the strategy, and lessons learned from assisting parties in the resolution of disputes by mediation.  Participants in the audience will have the opportunity and be encouraged to share their views, experience and questions with the panel and the audience.  



Caroline Ming, CMK Ming Law & Dispute Resolution, Attorney at law, Mediator, Arbitrator

Torsten Bartsch, Caterpillar Sarl, Associate General Counsel, Co-Chair of CPR European Advisory Board

Jeremy Lack, InnovADR Ltd, Executive Director & General Counsel, Attorney at Law & ADR Neutral

Tim WilliamsWärtsilä Energy, Senior Counsel, Dispute Management 

6:30 – 7:00 pm

Networking reception


For More Information:

Knar Nahikian
Knar Nahikian
Director, International Initiatives CPR Institute

Special Thanks To: 


Supporting Organization
