Join CPR

Connect with Thought-Leaders in ADR - Join CPR Today

CPR’s membership community is a global group composed of in-house counsel and law firm counsel, along with leading arbitrators, mediators, individual practitioners, and academics, who all share a common interest in finding and implementing innovative ways to resolve and even prevent disputes.

CPR membership allows all professionals at your firm or company to connect with and learn from these thought-leaders as well as gain access to members-only events and resources.

Please review the membership levels below to determine the type of CPR membership that works best for you and/or your organization. If you have any questions, please e-mail Lizzi Merrill, CPR Institute Membership Director, at

Corporate Membership

CPR membership is your “one-stop shop” for practical tools, training and support to implement and maintain a highly effective end-to-end dispute resolution process that ensures that dispute prevention, mitigation and resolution are embedded in your business.

“CPR has been an invaluable business partner providing us with creative, practical, and actionable measures to transform how we approach and manage disputes.”
~Duncan Ross MacKay, Deputy General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer
Eversource Energy

Membership Type Tier Rate Criteria
Global Corporate $10,000 Greater than $20B in annual revenue
Sustaining Corporate $8,000  $5B - $20B in annual revenue
Contributing Corporate $5,000 Less than $5B in annual revenue
Associate Corporate $3,000 No or negligible operations in U.S.


Join as Corporate Membership

Law Firm Membership

CPR membership provides outside counsel with access to the latest resources necessary to resolve their clients disputes successfully, while minimizing the time and cost of the process and the unique opportunity to strengthen its position and exposure as experts in dispute resolution.

A special international rate is available for firms headquartered in a single office outside of the US. Please contact Elizabeth (Lizzi) Merrill, Director of Membership.

Membership Type Tier Rate Criteria
Global Law Firm $10,000 500 attorneys and/or global presence
Sustaining Law Firm $8,000 200-499 attorneys
Supporting Law Firm $6,000 50-199 attorneys
Associate Law Firm $3,000 Less than 50 attorneys
International Law Firm $3,000 Based and operating outside the U.S.


Join as Law Firm Membership

Individual Corporate Counsel

This membership is for corporate counsel who wish to become involved with CPR at a non-institutional level.

Individual Corporate Counsel Membership Contribution: $895/year

Join as Individual Corporate Counsel

Individual Practitioner

This membership is for attorneys, solo practitioners, and neutrals who are not on the DRS Panel of Distinguished Neutrals, and who wish to become a CPR Institute member at a non-institutional level.

Individual Practitioner Membership Contribution: $1,795/year

Join as Individual Practitioner

Panelist Membership

This membership is exclusively for neutrals already on CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals who want to enjoy the benefits of CPR Institute membership (and are not part of a larger organizational member).  To apply to be on the Panel see Become a CPR Neutral | CPR Dispute Resolution Services.  There are two levels for this panelist membership:

CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals who practice on their own (or with one other partner)


CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals who practice at a firm with more than two practitioners


Please note: You need not be a CPR Institute member to serve on the CPR Panel of Distinguished Neutrals, and CPR Institute membership is not included with acceptance to the Panel. 

The panelist memberships are billed separately from all panels fees.

Join as Panelist Membership