Y-ADR Spotlight Series – Interview Questions with Ricardo Cruzat Reyes

Y-ADR Spotlight Series,

1. What has been a beneficial aspect of engaging with the CPR Institute for you personally or professionally?

Ricardo Cruzat Reyes

Associate at White & Case LLP

 1. What has been a beneficial aspect of engaging with the CPR Institute for you personally or professionally?

As a foreigner with very few connections in the U.S. outside of my job, the opportunity to network with other young practitioners has been immensely beneficial.  I joined the CPR Institute only a few months ago, but the welcome has been heartwarming.  Since I joined, everyone I have interacted with (both virtually and in person) has been genuinely friendly and supportive.

2. What is one piece of advice you would give to somebody who wanted to pursue a career in ADR?

 Reputation matters.  You will be measured by the quality of your work and by how people feel after interacting with you.  Your efforts are best spent in becoming a competent professional and being pleasant to work with.  Prioritize these over any “shortcuts.”

3. What or who has been inspiring to you during your career in ADR?

My first legal job was as a junior associate in a boutique firm (8 people) in Chile.  The partners at that firm showed me, with their example, that you can greatly enjoy hard work.  They also taught me that you cannot earn someone’s trust without owning all your mistakes and showing that you are willing to learn from them.


4. What personal characteristics are most beneficial to you in your career?

 Patience, humility, and optimism. 


5. How can people with an interest in ADR get hands-on experience to further their career?

Although I did not participate in ADR moots in law school, I have seen that people who did have an advantage, both in terms of experience and of being able to show a committed interest to ADR to prospective employers.  ADR clinics and other pro-bono efforts also offer valuable hands-on experience earlier in one’s career.  These experiences may not “get you a job,” but they will help you with what matters: being good at the job.


6. What is your favorite ADR process to practice?

My favorite ADR process is arbitration.  I started my career as a litigator and still enjoy adversarial processes.  I like that arbitration offers vindication of a position through a decision by an impartial third-party.


7. Describe your perfect Friday night in 5 words or less.

Dancing with wife.  No emails.