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On Sale! Master Guide to Mass Claims Resolution Facilities

Now on Sale for a Limited Time Only!

The Master Guide to Mass Claims Resolution Facilities addresses issues arising post-settlement of mass claims – filling a large void in the legal literature in this area of ADR. The book covers all areas of claims resolution facilities, including initial due diligence in estimating claims, costs and assets, extent of delegation to the facility, design of facilities, establishment of claim criteria, notice, procedures, communication and appeals. It also examines decisional law, statutory bases and various examples of facilities, drawing upon the knowledge of specialists in the area.

This book was created by CPR’s Commission on Facilities for the Resolution of Mass Claims whose members include Chairs, Kenneth R. Feinberg of Feinberg Rozen, LLP and Deborah E. Greenspan of Dickstein Shapiro, LLP, Jordana H. Feldman as the Commission’s Reporter, and a group of counsel, academics, neutrals, and other experts on complex claims management.

161 pages.

Non-Member Price: $39
Member Price: $19