CPR Institute Publishes Early Case Assessment Toolkit For European Parties
New York, NY – The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR), a global non-profit organization that manages conflict to enable purpose, is pleased to announce the publication of a new resource, the Corporate Early Case Assessment Toolkit for European Parties.
Since 2010, CPR’s Early Case Assessment Guidelines have provided guidance to law departments seeking to institutionalize a mechanism to evaluate disputes at any early stage. The new Corporate Early Case Assessment Toolkit for European Parties (“Toolkit”) adapts the Guidelines to a European market and specifically addresses, among other developments, data protection and third-party funding which recently have had a great impact on alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
This Toolkit will provide an invaluable go-to resource for companies operating in the European arena and for those parties in jurisdictions with similar data protection legislation.
The conflict management process outlined in the Toolkit guides parties through a decision-making process to select the optimal methods for resolving the dispute at hand. It provides for early identification of risks, business goals, likely outcomes, and potential alternative resolutions.
Potential benefits of implementing an Early Case Assessment program include a reduction in legal costs and expenses, a reduction in settlement and resolution costs, and a reduction in the “claim-through-resolution” cycle time.
The Toolkit was developed by a working group of the CPR Institute’s European Advisory Board (EAB), a body composed of CPR Institute member representatives based throughout Europe, and CPR Institute staff.
“This new Toolkit is a resource developed by members of the CPR Institute for use by in-house counsel and law firm practitioners interested in resolving business to business disputes efficiently and expeditiously,” said Serena K. Lee, CPR President & CEO. “It is just the latest example of CPR Institute members collaborating to generate innovative tools and develop best practices to resolve conflicts, and even prevent them, so that companies can focus on their business purpose.”
“Early case assessment is essential in dispute resolution and the roll-out of the new Toolkit gives in-house counsel and private practitioners in Europe and beyond access to a cutting-edge tool,” said Vanessa Alarcon Duvanel, of King & Spalding in Geneva, Co-Chair of the EAB, and a contributor to the Toolkit. “Our goal is for more legal departments to benefit from the Toolkit’s functionality and flexibility so no matter a company’s size, business, and internal approach to dispute resolution, they have a comprehensive instrument at their fingertips.”
“Finding practical and easy-to-use information on arbitration and mediation is difficult for many in-house lawyers. The Toolkit is an excellent starting point in this context,” said Torsten Bartsch of Caterpillar SARL, Co-Chair of the EAB, and a contributor to the Toolkit. “Thanks to all who worked well and hard on putting this together.”
In addition to Alarcon Duvanel and Bartsch, the contributors to the Toolkit are Patrycja Kolwas of COFCO International, Maurice Kuitems of Fluor, John Reilly of RTX, and Allen Waxman of DLA Piper (formerly President & CEO of CPR).
The 2024 Early Case Assessment Toolkit for European Parties as well as the original 2010 Early Case Assessment Toolkit are both available on the CPR website at cpradr.org/early-case-assessment.
Established in 1977, CPR is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes the prevention and resolution of conflict to better enable purpose through the CPR Institute and CPR Dispute Resolution.
The CPR Institute builds capacity for dispute prevention and resolution through the thought leadership of its diverse members – companies, leading mediators and arbitrators, law firms, individual practitioners, and academics – who share best practices and develop innovative tools for dispute management through committee discussions and projects, publications, education and training, and events.
CPR Dispute Resolution is a boutique-style provider of leading-edge dispute management services – mediation, arbitration, custom appointing services, a panel of dispute prevention specialists, and more – that leverages resources generated by the CPR Institute. The case administrators have extensive backgrounds in alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The Panel of Distinguished Neutrals is a carefully curated, diverse group of prominent, experienced subject matter and ADR professionals based in 35 countries. And CPR Dispute Resolution’s Complete Case platform, a holistic end-to-end digital environment designed for ADR, handles matters efficiently and securely. To learn more about CPR Dispute Resolution, visit drs.cpradr.org.
To learn more about CPR, visit cpradr.org.
Lili Schroppe
Director, Marketing and Membership
646-753-8204, 203-470-9391